Demystifying Digital Video

We often get asked the question, "What’s the difference between OTT, FEP & CTV?" 

Actually, this usually takes the form of puzzled looks in meetings...which is not uncommon in advertising where we just love our acronyms.

So, what IS the difference between OTT, FEP & CTV?

Glad you asked. 

Over the top (OTT) video, full episode player (FEP) video, and connected TV (CTV) are all terms that are used to describe different types of video content and platforms. While these terms are often used interchangeably, they actually have distinct definitions and characteristics.

OTT video refers to video content that is delivered over the internet, without the need for a traditional cable or satellite TV subscription. OTT video is typically accessed through streaming services such as Netflix, Hulu, or Amazon Prime Video, and can be watched on a variety of devices, including smartphones, tablets, and connected TVs.

FEP video, on the other hand, refers to video content that is delivered through a full episode player, which is a web-based application that allows users to watch TV shows and other video content on their computers or mobile devices. FEP video is typically offered by traditional broadcasters and networks, and is often available to watch for free, with advertisements.

CTV, also known as internet-connected TV or smart TV, refers to TVs that are connected to the internet, and can access a variety of online content and services. CTVs typically come with built-in apps and features that allow users to stream OTT video and other types of content, as well as access social media, gaming, and other online services.

Who are the providers of OTT, FEP, and CTV? 

Over the top (OTT) video, full episode player (FEP) video, and connected TV (CTV) are all types of video content and platforms, and can be provided by a variety of different companies and organizations.

For OTT video, the most common providers are streaming services such as Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime Video. These companies offer a wide variety of TV shows, movies, and other video content that can be accessed over the internet, without the need for a traditional cable or satellite TV subscription.

For FEP video, the most common providers are traditional broadcasters and networks, such as ABC, CBS, and NBC. These companies offer a selection of TV shows and other video content through their websites and mobile apps, using a full episode player. FEP video is often available to watch for free, with advertisements.

For CTV, the most common providers are TV manufacturers such as Samsung, LG, and Sony. These companies produce TVs that are connected to the internet and come with built-in apps and features that allow users to access OTT video and other types of online content.

Overall, OTT video, FEP video, and CTV are provided by a wide variety of companies and organizations, each with their own unique offering and value proposition.

What types of video ads can be purchased for OTT, FEP, and CTV?

For OTT, FEP, and CTV, common types of video ads include pre-roll ads, mid-roll ads, and post-roll ads. Pre-roll ads are played before the main video content, mid-roll ads are played during the video content, and post-roll ads are played after the video content. OTT providers may also offer other formats, such as banner ads, native ads, and sponsored content.

What is the cost of OTT, FEP, and CTV video ads?

The cost of OTT, FEP, and CTV video ads will vary depending on a number of factors, including the provider, the format of the ad, and the audience targeted.

For OTT, FEP, and CTV video ads, prices can range from a few dollars per thousand views (CPM) for low-quality, low-reach campaigns, to several hundred dollars CPM for high-quality, high-reach campaigns. The exact cost will depend on the specific OTT provider, the format and duration of the ad, and the target audience.

Overall, the cost of OTT, FEP, and CTV video ads can vary widely, and advertisers should carefully consider their budget and goals when deciding which platform to use.

What is the best way to get started with an OTT, FEP, and CTV campaign?

The best way to get started with an OTT, FEP, or CTV campaign will depend on a number of factors, including the advertiser's goals, budget, and target audience. However, there are a few general steps that advertisers can follow to get started with these types of campaigns.

First, agencies like TRIUNION can help advertisers identify the specific OTT, FEP, or CTV platform that they want to use for their campaign. This will typically involve researching the different providers and their offerings, and choosing the one that best aligns with the advertiser's goals and target audience.

Next, advertisers should develop a creative concept for their campaign, and create the video ad itself. If nothing exists, TRIUNION can assist with identifying a creative agency partner, a production company, or other partner options to produce the ad. Advertisers will also need to determine the format and duration of the ad, as well as any additional targeting or optimization strategies.

Once the ad is ready, TRIUNION will negotiate with the OTT, FEP, and/or CTV providers to develop and launch the campaign. This will typically involve negotiating a pricing agreement, setting the campaign's start and end dates, and providing the ad itself.

Finally, TRIUNION will track and measure the performance of the campaign, and make any necessary adjustments based on the results. This may involve monitoring metrics such as reach, impressions, clicks, and conversions, and using these data to optimize the campaign for maximum performance.

If you are looking to reach a wider, more engaged audience with your video ads, then it’s time to consider an OTT, FEP, or CTV campaign. With these platforms, we can deliver your ads to a broad range of devices and audiences, and gain valuable insights into the performance of your campaigns.

To get started, simply contact us to learn more about our OTT, FEP, and CTV offerings. Our team of experienced professionals can help you identify the right platform for your goals and target audience, and provide expert guidance and support throughout the campaign process.

Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity to reach a wider, more engaged audience with your video ads. Get started with an OTT, FEP, or CTV campaign today!